Wulandari (ENG, RUS & INDO pattern)

Wulandari means full moon in Indonesian language. I chose this name because it’s my sister’s name (same reason as my other pattern Parwati). This is my fifth pattern but the first one for selling. This pattern consists of 44 rounds with a mix of variable stiches inspired by the full moon. All abbreviations & special stitches are explained in the pattern detail. Suggested hook = 1.50 mm, suggested thread = Egyptian thread No.5. By using the suggested thread & hook, this pattern will use around 45 m of thread, diameter 29,5 cm.
I hope you like it and keep supporting me by purchasing this pattern. But I’m still planning to create more free patterns in the future so keep following me on my social media to get the latest news. When you finish your “Wulandari” please tag me in Instagram & use #crochenesia & #wulandaridoily, so I can repost your picture there.
If you have any question, you can join our Facebook group “Croche.nesia Discuss Group“ we will discuss your doubt there & you can also share your creation’s pictures with the community & get the latest update about my upcoming patterns. See you there & happy crocheting!
One more thing, I want to especially say thanks to all of you joining our Facebook group sharing your creations. I really love to see my designs in a lot of different colors.
If you are interested to help me translate this pattern into your language, please contact me on my social media. Thanks
You can find me at:
FB & IG @croche.nesia
FB Group “Croche.nesia Discuss Group“
Ravelry Skolastika87
Just bought this WUNDALARI pattern! WOW! It is gorgeous and also want to thank you for the free patterns!
Hi Marsha! Thanks for purchasing my pattern. I hope you enjoy making it. Can’t wait to see your finish doily. Happy crocheting!